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An entrepreneur's dream: To be listed in the NYSE or Nasdaq.

Welcome to Latinometrics. We bring you Latin American insights and trends through concise, thought-provoking data visualizations.

The total regional economy for Latin America and the Caribbean grew by 2.2% in 2024, and is expected to accelerate to 2.4% this year.

Today we’re partnering with Fintual, a wealth manager in Mexico and Chile, to take a look at the top firms behind these economies that have made a name internationally. Specifically, those that are listed in the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq, and are attracting the most investor interest. 

Superstar Latin American firms like Vale and YPF are driving economic growth in countries like Brazil and Argentina—but don’t think their success only reaps local rewards. Thanks to innovative new tools and the beauty of international investing, people from across the hemisphere can grow their own fortunes on the strength of Latin America’s most dynamic companies.

With a $95B market capitalization and just shy of $900M worth of shares traded every day, Mercado Libre is the undisputed heavyweight of Latin America’s public companies.

LatAm's most traded companies in the US

Founded in Argentina but today headquartered in Uruguay, Mercado Libre is but one company finding transnational success with investors.

Nubank just last year hit 100M customers across Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, and now has a larger average daily trading volume than century-old banking heavyweights like Itaú Unibanco and Bradesco.

Up north, both Mexican leaders are Monterrey-based. First, Cemex, one of the largest cement companies in the world attracts the most investment volume. FEMSA, the beverage and retail giant behind the iconic Oxxo stores, trails close behind.

Multinational airline LATAM nets Chile an impressive position in regional rankings with $100M in daily traded volume.

Ranging from hydrocarbons to aerospace and defense contractors, Latin America’s champions provide a plethora of different options to choose from when diversifying an investment portfolio. As these firms power regional growth, we hope more everyday citizens will choose to grow their wealth and long-term financial security through smart, balanced investing.

Happy trading!

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